
You have affordable choices.

Often overlooked, much needed.

Chances are…

You know someone who has had a heart attack, a stroke, or been diagnosed with cancer in the last six months. Maybe it’s your brother-in-law or neighbor, or a friend or co-worker. You may have heard about their medical bills, missed work and out-of-pocket expenses.

Chances are…

You don’t think it will happen to you. We all like to think that we are immune to a serious illness – but we’re not.

Chances are…

If a critical illness strikes, you probably will live. That’s the good news! But, few of us are prepared for the financial burden of recovery. Health insurance doesn’t come close to covering all expenses. How would you replace your income or your spouse’s lost wages while he or she helps care for you? Where would the money come from for home and car payments, deductibles, treatments outside of your health network or home health care?

What if you couldn’t return to your present job and salary?

If you add your usual monthly bills, then subtract your lost income if you had to recuperate – it might equal a financial disaster at an already stressful time.

Improve your chances!

Below are some tools to research your options.

As always, feel free to contact my office and let us do the research for you!


 Assurity Simplified Critical Illness

Assurity Simplified Disability Income




Illinois Mutual